Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Life In Pictures

Building Hope has teamed up on a project with United Way that teaches young men how to document what is important in their lives.  Each high school boy received a digital camera and a basic photography class.  Then they were told to take pictures of things that are important to them in their lives.  Each week they turn in their pictures with an explanation of a couple of featured pictures and why those pictures are important to them.  At the end of April, the pictures will be set up in a gallery at 3rd Street School where the boys will present them to the public.

Reflection is such an amazing thing.  When we take the time to look at our lives, to take stock of what is important and why it is important, it is amazing what we can find.  Looking through the lens of a camera to really evaluate what they find as a priority in their lives has been a challenge, but has been a fantastic learning experience.

We want to take the time to highlight a couple of students a week, so that you can see what they are learning.

Kenny Butcher

Kenny is 17 and a junior at Rose High School.  He plays varsity football at Rose, loves to play the drums and go to church.  Life hasn't been easy for Kenny.  His father has been in prison and his mom died of cancer.  He currently lives with his Grandmother.  Since coming to Building Hope in the 8th grade, we have seen him grow in his walk with Christ.  Kenny carries himself well and can talk to anyone.  He is one of our older boys who takes the time to mentor the younger boys in Men of Standard.  The picture he featured this week is a picture of a mural at Rose.

This mural expresses the artistic talents that the students at Rose have.  I like it because I like to draw different things like this mural.  There's always some kind of artistic talent someone has.  It took more than one person to paint this mural, it takes fellowship.

Ziaquam Whitley

Ziaquam, affectionately known as "Bear," is 18 and a junior at Rose High School.  He began playing varsity football in the 9th grade.  Since coming to Building Hope during his 6th grade year, we have seen significant changes in his work ethic, his leadership skills, and his willingness to serve. He takes his role as one of the primary leaders of the young men at Men of Standard very seriously.  His maturity in Christ has led him to take ownership of his relationship with God and share it with his peers.  He has a compassionate heart and wants to be a fireman.  The picture he choose to feature this week is a picture of his football locker at school.

Each year I've seen myself grow and become a better football player.  Sports got me out there so people will know me.  Everyone is different and should find the hobby or passion that takes them forward.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Inspired by Dr. Carson

By: Lesli Grandy

On February 21st, I had the distinct privilege of meeting Dr. Ben Carson, the speaker for our 2013 banquet.  For years his story has encouraged youth and adults alike to live up to their potential, never give up, and strive for excellence without excuses.  In addition, he recently moved into mainstream media with his presidential prayer breakfast speech and appearance on Sean Hannity.

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I first met him - a man who is a genius in his field, prioritizes family, and has a list of accolades a mile long.  I do know this, the man that I met far exceeded my expectations, but in a completely different way.  He was an ordinary, down to earth person with a beat up brief case, old luggage, and a comfortable leather coat.  He was humble, kind, and genuine.  There wasn't any clout or ego attached to this man.  He simply was Ben Carson, a grown up kid from inner city Detroit.  This made what he said and did during his stint in Greenville so much more meaningful to me, because it came from a truthful, unassuming man.

Dr. Carson took the time to come down to Building Hope and meet our kids.  He spoke to them, shook their hands, and encouraged them to live their dreams.  Then he turned around and spoke to an audience of 800 at our banquet, and inspired us to see things through a different lens.

When I think about the speech, I can't really pinpoint my favorite part.  Was it the story about the North Carolina twins, joined at the chest, who worked to make not one but two successful farms in the 1860's? Was it the story of his mother, who refused to let her circumstances negatively affect her family?  Was it the idea of taking a child on a walking black history tour, pointing out the successes of people who came before him and challenging him to make an impact on the world?

In spite of the fact that I don't have one favorite part of his speech, I was left with a lasting impression - one of hope and potential.  We don't have to go far to see people who have potential and just need hope.  Who is going to give this hope to them?  Will we turn the other cheek?  Will we act like they don't exist?  Will we scoff and become irritated at people who are abusing the system or making bad decisions as if we've never made a mistake in our lives?  Or will we roll up our sleeves and become part of the solution?

If you haven't had a chance, watch our video that tells the story of Jamarcus.  It is inspiring, but it's not the only great story to come out of Building Hope.  Let your imagination run wild with the thought of what would happen if we all decided to step out of our comfort zone and make an impact in our city!